Advance Pallet, Inc.

Should You Choose New or Recycled Pallets?

March 4, 2025

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Written by: Advance Pallet

A bunch of wooden pallets are stacked on top of each other.

It doesn't necessarily matter what type of business you're running or even the industry you're operating in - there's not necessarily a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to selecting pallets.

Some will need the increased reliability and long-term dependability that only a new pallet can provide. Others can save a significant amount of money with recycled pallets that can then be funneled elsewhere into the business where it can make a positive impact. Some may require a combination of the two. It truly depends.

That's why, when it comes to selecting new vs recycled pallets, it's important to remember that the question isn't "which one is right?" You're trying to find out which one is right for YOU. To get to that point, there are a few key things you'll want to keep in mind.

Factors to Consider When Buying Pallets

When buying pallets, you should absolutely weigh factors like the following against whatever use case you have.


As one would expect, new pallets are typically more expensive. This is because they're made from totally fresh materials that have never been used before. It's the difference between buying a used car that only has a few thousand miles on it and a brand-new car that has just come fresh from the factory. It may not seem like a big difference, but you're absolutely going to pay a premium for the latter.


That segues into what is maybe the most important factor to consider when selecting pallets: durability.

New pallets are brand-new and are typically known for having superior strength and longevity than their recycled counterparts. Note that depending on the provider you've chosen, this doesn't necessarily mean that the new pallets are BETTER by default. It just means that their lifetime will likely be longer and that may or may not matter to what you're trying to accomplish.

If a recycled pallet has been properly maintained, it can still perform exceptionally well in many cases. It's just that it won't be quite the same as something that is totally new, nor should it be expected to be.


In terms of efficiency, this is another area that ultimately comes down to how you define the term. Many new pallets are consistent in terms of the materials that have been used, which makes them consistent in terms of performance as well. Recycled pallets will obviously have repair points thanks to years of heavy use. This doesn't make them bad - it's just that structurally, they might not be as consistent or as efficient as something totally new.

Standards & Requirements

New pallets will obviously be manufactured to very specific standards that are in place at the time they're made available. Recycled pallets, due to their refurbished nature, might not be in adherence to those same standards. They will be if you choose a trusted partner like Advance Pallet - but that isn't a guarantee and it's something you should be mindful of.

Pros & Cons of Buying New Pallets

The number one pro of buying new pallets is the fact that they're consistent, tend to be of a "higher quality," and are subject to stringent standards as outlined above. If you order 100 brand-new pallets, they're likely all going to look and perform the exact same way. This isn't necessarily the case with recycled pallets.

Not only that, but brand-new pallets will also have a far longer lifespan due to their nature. They'll last longer without requiring any repairs. Even during periods of heavy use when you do need to start thinking about repairs, you'll be able to do so for longer before you have to consider replacements.

A warehouse filled with lots of wooden pallets stacked on top of each other.

These benefits come with a price, however - in this case literally. The initial cost of new pallets can be significantly higher compared to recycled options.

In some cases, new pallets may also be stronger than needed, leading to waste in terms of materials and weight. You're getting what you pay for - but you don't necessarily need to be paying for what you're getting. Again, it's important to consider your ultimate use case and think about whether new pallets make sense in terms of what you need and how they must perform to help you accomplish your specific goals.

Pros & Cons of Buying Recycled Pallets

For smaller organizations in particular, the number one pro of buying recycled pallets comes by way of their overall cost-effectiveness. They're cheaper, even though many of them will perform just as well as their new counterparts in a lot of situations. You get more "bang for your buck," so to speak. You can take the money you saved and put it towards other projects or initiatives that can really make a long-term impact.

Recycled pallets are also often easy to find, making them readily available when needed. You might have to wait for a large order of brand-new pallets, whereas recycled ones might be available right away.

If environmental friendliness is a concern, you should also know that recycled pallets are the clear winner to that end. You're making sure that recyclable resources are getting the most use possible, thus reducing the amount of waste your business is creating and its overall footprint as well. If yours is the type of business that has any type of long-term sustainability goals, recycled pallets are a great way to push towards those initiatives without necessarily changing the way you operate.

Order Your Pallets from Advance Pallet Today!

Again - nobody can tell you whether new vs recycled pallets are the right choice for you. You need to consider what you need them to accomplish and work your way back to the solution that fits. The team at Advance Pallet will get to know your business and your needs intimately. We'll ask the right questions, all so that you can be completely confident that you're placing the right type of order.

If you'd like to find out more information about new vs recycled pallets, or if you have any additional questions that you'd like to go over with someone in a bit more detail, please don't hesitate to contact the Advance Pallet team today.

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